Saturday, March 28, 2009

Some more hornbags...

Yes, time to enhance the hornbag experience. Once again I have been saucing, and moving forward, in the area of hornbag best practice. Please enjoy, while going forward, in your own quintessential seachange in hornbaginess.....
Please note, if you dont understand what I wrote neither do I. Apparently to be in touch with modern managerilism, and droppings from the adminisphere, you have to enjoy percussive maintainence on one's bodily parts to get by in today's society.

1 comment:

alcogoodwin said...

think I want to have your children.

BUt first I want to give them to that blonde from your balcony.


ironically the WORD VERIFICATIONJ bollocks for this one is 'chingSe'.
Bit bloody racist if you ask me.